Sunday, September 30, 2007

Precious little time...

Life in Morocco is grand. Really grand. So grand that I'm having too much fun (and have too much homework) to write decent blog updates.

In short, I started taking belly dancing classes.... and I'm awful at it. Mrs. Hall made sure that my hips wouldn't ever move. At the end of the first class, I was doing a little better, but I still have a ways to go. It's really fun.

I go running a few times a week in Hilton Park, a beautiful and shaded forest with an amazing running trail. At the end of the run, I listen to Irish dance music and do dance and other exercises. My calves are looking good. The plan is to be fully in shape upon return to the States. For several reasons, I'm at an Irish dancing high right now. (If you read "transported, transformed", an entry below, you'll get a little insight into that). Also, belly dancing is making my abs rock hard, so 'Insha'Allah' (God willing) I'll have amazing leaps by the end of January!

I pray 4 times a day (Morning, Noonday, Evening Prayer, and Compline) with the Book of Common Prayer, using the Tao Te Ching and the Bible for my scripture readings. I write in my journal, I read novels, and I breathe deeply. I'm at a place of great peace and content. Hamdulilah (thank God) for Morocco.

I'm have Arabic class for three hours a day, Arabic homework for two hours a day, French lessons three times per week and French homework whenever I have the chance. I read Spanish newspapers because English ones aren't available. I'm reading the Gospel of Luke, Proverbs, Deuteronomy, and parts of the Apocrypha. Song of Solomon was fun. I've read two novels, I'm reading two more. I speak phrases in Spanish, French, and two different types of Arabic daily. I love my homestay family, and I hope I can come back and visit them a lot.

When I come back to Transylvania, I hope to take Spanish Conversation, test into French 2, and take Arabic 202 at UK. I will be Moroccan if it's the last thing I do, and to be Moroccan, I have to speak at least 3 languages.

I'm happy. Very happy. I'm already trying to think of ways to be in Morocco as frequently as possible.

Love to everyone reading this! I miss you all.


Unknown said...

Wow, that was a really heartfelt expose on how great it is to be in Morocco. I've decided to move it up on the ladder of places I need to go globe trotting.

Katherine said...

Sounds like you have adjusted well, Allison. Good for you!