Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Casablanca Part II

October 3
3:46 pm. Finally in a taxi.

A good portion of my afternoon was spent releasing frustration regarding Moroccan men, harrassment, and the unavoidable acknowledgment of my female-ness. This simple fact of life is impossible to ignore in Morocco, as a woman’s body is overtly sexualized and her femaleness commented on dozens of time daily. Being both foreign (read white) and a woman multiplies the difficulties of navigating this country.

Check in to a Moroccan hotel = leave your American, “ungendered” self on the airplane.

So, my spirits were considerably brightened when, after standing in the rain on a dirty Casablanca street while trying to flag down a taxi, one finally arrived.
I had been standing next to a middle-aged gentleman who was also trying to flag down a taxi, and also trying to get to the CasaPort train station. He had a sweet round face with wrinkles that showed he was prone to smiling. He and I tried to flag down taxi after taxi; each would stop, and he would ask them to take us to CasaPort. Each would turn us down and drive away — their intended route obviously not passing near Le Gare.

Finally I flagged won a taxi with only one seat available. I looked at the sweet faced man and motioned for him to take the seat. He motioned for me to take the seat, and bowed out of my path so that I might take it.
I smiled and thanked him as much as I could. God bless him for his generosity.

My love of Morocco was thus re-enlivened by the kindness of this smiling stranger.

Evening Prayer
Psalm 133 Ecce, quam bonum
1 Oh, how good and pleasant it is,
when brethren live together in unity
2 It is like fine oil upon the head
that runs down upon the bear,
3 Upon the beard of Aaron,
and runs downs upon the collar of his robe.
4 It is like the dew of Hermon
that falls upon the hills of Zion.
5 For there the Lord has ordained the blessing:
life for evermore.

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