Monday, September 3, 2007

A better update from Rabat

The end of my first day in Rabat is nearing an end, and it has been a busy day. I only got about 6 hours of sleep last night, and was very restless and hot, and sick. I have a nice little cold that is keeping me company. Thank goodness for Advil Cold and Sinus.

All the SIT students attend classes at the CCCL, the Center for Cross-Cultural Learning, which is located in the medina (the centuries-old walled city) in Rabat. The CCCL is a 19th century Andalusian house, every inch covered with mosaics. I hope to bring my camera to the center sometime soon so I can take pictures and post them for you to feast your eyes.

We had a 1.5 hour intense Arabic course today, and learned to say hello, introduce ourselves, say where we're from, and that we're students. Four hours later, I can't remember any of it. (Ok, maybe a little bit). I'll do lots of studying tonight.

After our Arabic lesson and a "Safety and Security" talk, my new friend and soul-twin Carly and I decided to leave the center and search for sodas in the medina. We managed to make it to a small shop, buy a Fanta and water, and get lost in the medina on the way back to the center. To say the medina is labyrinthine is an understatement. Most everything looks the same, and there are twists and turns and corridors and tunnels everywhere. We finally made it out.... a fun trip.

Now I'm sitting on the roof terrace of the CCCL, looking to the west to the Atlantic, to the north to the river, to the east and south to the city. The smells of dinner are wafting up from the stairwell, and my stomach is growling for couscous and lamb.

So far, I can't complain.


"Salaam aleikum". Peace be upon you.

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