Friday, September 7, 2007

I met my host sister!

The CCCL hosted a "meet and greet" with our host families tonight, and my host sister is amazing. Her name is Fati, and she is an English studies student at Mohammad V University.

Smitaha Fati, u ihheeyah taliba fe zhemiyat Mohammad V. (heck yes, I'm getting good!)

We had a great conversation about school and her family, and I feel very comfortable about living with her family. I'm going to do my best to practice my Darija, but when it fails me, I know I'll have Fati to help me.

My mother's name is Amina, and father's name is Boubker. My younger host sister is named Zainab and my host brother is Yassine. Amina and Boubker are Arabic teachers, and neither speak English = good for me.

I have two more classes in Darija and then I begin my Fus'ha classes. It's going to be really difficult not to speak Fus'ha in the streets and with my family. I guess I'll keep working on learning Darija at home, and try to become more conversational in that, and then I'll try to keep Fus'ha locked inside my brain so I can continue to learn it back in the US.

Off I go to enjoy the breeze coming off the Atlantic while I eat a dinner of lamb and vegetables (with shots of medicine from the clinique). B'Salaama!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Glad that you are evidently feeling better. Can you drink the tap water?