Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Link to my photo album!

Here is the web address for my photo album.... I don't think it's a working link, so copy and paste into your browser.


OH, sweet! It might be a link!

I'm on a long break right now, looking out at the Atlantic, getting ready to scour the medina for a Coca-Cola light with my friend Carly.

It's been a roller-coaster ride for me since I've gotten here, with this very moment probably being my happiest. I laughed for the first time today since I've been here, and it felt good.

(My darija is awful and Arabic classes are ridiculous, but I'm getting a little better).



Mom said...

Ok, I must be doing something wrong with the photo album. I didn't get any video.

Katherine said...

I don't see the video, either, Tracy - HELP ALLISON. Great pictures, though - what a view!